Posts Tagged ‘grieving’

Miss Rosie

Sir Thomas Fox

Soooooooo what do you do when you made a promise long ago and you now need to fulfill it.

You keep it!

That is how Miss Rosie and Sir Thomas Fox came to be my most recent companions. Rosie is a Japanese Chin and Thomas is a buff colored long hair domestic feline. Both are elderly. Rosie is 15+ years old and Thomas is 13+.

Rosie has some health issues, seizures occasionally and a heart murmur for the last 2 years. She makes me laugh all the time. Her usual expression is to have one side of her mouth pouched up in a very one-sided grin. I tried to catch a photo of that but of course was not successful. She has very short little legs and sort of prances when she trots around the house. She gets tired out so I make sure I have a place shoveled so that she can go outside. This is limited to days when it is at least 12 degrees F. If it gets colder than that she wheezes.

Rosie loves food. Her favorite person is my husband. I am more of a grazer, eating yogurt, nuts, and fruit. Rosie loves meat and knows that when the man comes home there will be meat and she can smell it cooking. She greets him at the door and follows him around especially in the kitchen. It is the highlight of her day.

Rosie is deaf and can’t see that well. She has been around cats for years so totally ignores them. My cats tried hissing at her and intimidating her but they did not even register on her sweet little mind. Rosie just went about doing what she wanted to do . . . which is not always the best thing. Rosie loves litter boxes and the trash – especially that stuff in the wastebaskets in the bathrooms. Her habits have brought out the tidier me.

Sir Thomas Fox is a great cat. He lounges, sleeps, watches the birds and other critters outside, and gets along with the other cats and his friend Rosie. One of the things he got to do was to expand his horizons and travel. My Mom lived on the other side of Lake Michigan. So Thomas and Rosie both got to go on the SS Badger, my favorite ferry. They made 3 trips on her. There was a lot to go through in my Mom’s house, which will be another blog.

The first time we traveled Thomas meowed and cried until we got to the boat for about 40 minutes. Since there was no divine intervention to get him out of the carrier he finally decided to stop. He was very good with the other trips. He is also very happy that he only has had to go in the carrier one other time to get checked out by the vet and get chipped. I have a wonderful veterinarian that has a mobile pet hospital and will do house visits. With my crew of 5 it is very helpful.

Thomas is such a dear boy. He will always tap me with his paw when he wants to get up on my lap. My Mom was pushing him away towards the end of her life so he has been craving attention and I am more than happy to give it to him. He is my super cuddle bug.

The best thing about bringing them home with me is that they are the last living vestiges of my Mom. When I care for them I care for her and her memory. I also benefit because they are both very loving and that makes the circle complete.

Love is love is love and goes on and on.

_SAM5641It has been a long time since I have posted anything or done much of anything more than a drabble.

My 92 year old mother passes away on August 30 with her favorite dog in her arms and me at her side.

It has been a long process. The it is grieving. I have discovered I am not good at it.

I called her (for the most part) twice everyday. Long distance care is difficult. I truly miss her voice, her sense of humor, and just her being her.

I am slowly getting back to myself. I will be doing more writing and artwork because that is what makes me me.

Hugs to all and best wishes for the new year.
Love you Mom,

PS This is Rosie. Rosie and Sir Thomas Cat are living with me now joining Yanjing, Twilight, and Moonlight. Kyra, my Mom’s favorite dog is living the high life with a family that loves and adores her and gives her everything she wants (Kyra is and will always be a princess).